Train Departure Time: 4:00 AM (from Mandalay) Train ticket cost: K 3950 Pro tip: Choose the upper-class seat for a comfortable journey. Seat at the left side on the last 3 seats for the best view.HOW TO GET THERE
You have to catch a train between Pyin Oo Lwin and Lashio to pass through this bridge. The train starts at Lashio in the north, however, most tourists get on in Hsipaw. It takes around 4.5 hours from Hsipaw and 3.5 hours from Pyin Oo Lwin to reach this bridge.HISTORY
This is one of the most picturesque bridges of Myanmar. The amazing railway bridge is 55km north-east of Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Region. This timeworn train still dons wooden benches in the interior of the Ordinary Class section, bringing you back to the past as you experience a slow journey along the amusing mountain track. The train will approach the bridge after 3.5 hours of leaving Pyin Oo Lwin.
As the train moves along the curves and bends of the hills, you can get glimpses of the magnificent bridge from afar. After the enjoyable, old-fashioned train ride passes the bridge, you can choose to continue your train ride all the way to Naung-pein or Hsipaw, or you can go back to Mandalay by taking the bus or renting a car. The Shan village is also nearby which makes an ideal pitstop.